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Facts & Stats

Fast moving car on 407 ETR highway
  • Length of Highway 407 ETR is 108 km with 41 interchanges linking the highway to all major GTA highways.
  • Total lane km available to drivers has gone from 643 km in 1999 (at the time of privatization) to over 1,200 lane km. Almost 50% of the lane km now in use constructed after 1999 (407 ETR Concession begins operating highway).
  • Investment in the highway and customer services by 407 ETR since 1999 = over $1.6 billion (over and above the lease payment of $3.1 billion to the Government of Ontario in 1999).
  • Average daily workday trips have increased from 237,000 in 1999, to over 413,000 in 2017.
  • Total annual trips have increased from 71.9 million in 1999, to over 125 million in 2017.
  • The number of transponders in circulation has increased from 346,371 with a user rate of 67% in 1999, to over 1,434,000 and a user rate of over 80% in 2017.
  • Total vehicle kilometres travelled per year has increased from 1.275 billion in 1999, to 2.708 billion in 2017.
  • Total number of underpass and overpass structures (bridges) = 236.
  • On/Off ramps and gantry systems = 198
  • Number of cameras on gantry systems = over 1,000

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