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Teens Learn to Drive

Teens Learn to Drive

Teens Learn To Drive Inc. is a North American non-profit organization that is dedicated to preventing death and injury among teens and young drivers through education. We believe that with better information, teens can make better driving decisions. We achieve this through interactive events, newsletters, and other outreach projects. As well, we make available videos, PSAs and other tools that schools can use to reinforce good driving habits and change driving culture.

407 ETR partners with Teens Learn to Drive by supporting their flagship event, The Sweet Life Road Show, a daylong interactive learning experience that takes high school students far beyond the rules of the road, and towards being proactive drivers. Students participate in a variety of interactive activities that incorporate computer gaming and peer theatre in order to raise their awareness of good driving habits.

For more information on Teens Learn to Drive or to find the next available stop for The Sweet Life Road Show, visit the Teens Learn to Drive website.